Make it better.
High School Scholarships
Trail Stewardship
Other Community Activities
CORK Investing in the Community
CORK High School Scholarship
The CORK club sees it as an important duty to give back to the local community. Supporting our youth as they transition into the world is one of the most impactful ways we can make a difference. For over 15 years we have been giving scholarships to local graduating high school seniors that excel in academics, participate in athletics, and give back to the community. In total we’ve helped over 100 youth with more than $40,000. We’re very proud of that.
To apply for the scholarship go HERE.
CORK is a non-profit 501c3 organization
Trail Stewardship
There are hundreds of miles of trail in Central Oregon and they aren’t going to maintain themselves. CORK has adopted and maintains the North Fork Trail, Deschutes River Trail, Archie Canyon Trail, and others. We would also like to acknowledge COTA as a leader in the community in organizing and developing trail systems. Please get involved in outdoor stewardship in your community.
CORK is a non-profit 501c3 organization
Bigfoot Races
The Bigfoot Race is the oldest footrace in Central Oregon. Starting in 1976 runners would run from the outskirts of Bend down the old dirt roads into Bend. But, it’s not just about racing. Each year all of the race proceeds go directly to high school cross country programs in the Bend-LaPine School District, raising thousands of dollars to help kids become better people through the sport of running. To date, we have donated over $50,000 to area programs.
Community Involvement
As a running klub, it’s not all running all the time. We want to be a klub that is making a difference in the community and the environment by using the sport of running as a tool to help us connect. A few of the ways we can do this is through recycle shoe drives, Keds for Kids, youth running programs, coordinating with Forest Service on trail management, and volunteering at local races.